Intelligent Security Solutions for Hospitals

Explore the Different Types of Biometrics


Every individual possesses certain distinctive features in terms of both behavioral and physical characteristics that are different from everyone else on the planet. These sets of characteristics or Biometrics are used to recognize an individual with a reasonable level of confidence and can dramatically enhance the level of security. Here are discussed the different types of biometrics.

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is the category of Biometrics that measures the geometry of the face, including the distance from the chin to the forehead, the distance between the eyes, and multiple other points on a person's face. After attaining the data, an advanced algorithm converts it into an encrypted facial signature.

Voice Recognition

Speaking physically, the shape of a person's vocal tract, including the mouth, nose, and larynx, determines the sound formed. Behaviorally, the person's way of saying something, like his movement variations, pace, tone, accent, and so on, is also unique for all individuals. The most imperative properties used for speech verification are nasal tone, inflection, fundamental frequency, cadence. Combined data from both behavioral and physical biometrics make a precise voiceprint.

Iris Recognition

Iris is the colored section of the human eye and is in the shape of a ring. If you observe it clearly, you will find many asymmetric thick thread-like structures on it. These thread-like structures are basically the muscles that help adjust the pupil's shape and only let a fitting amount of light in the eye. By measuring these folds of these muscles, biometric authentication equipment can confirm identity with incredible accuracy. Liveness detection, such as requiring a person to blink for the scan, adds an extra layer of security and accuracy.


Fingerprint recognition is one of the traditional and the most developed types of biometric recognition. It is easy to capture the fingerprints from the fingerprint door lock smart lock china, and also, it can be verified by comparing the unique arches, loops, and whorls in each pattern. Subsequent to capturing the print, sophisticated algorithms employ the image to create a unique digital biometric template. Later, the template is compared to new or existing scans to either deny or confirm a match.
